International Trade Seminar Series - Fall 2024

Usual time and place: 10:15am - 11:30am on Monday in Social Sciences 113.
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Jeffrey Sun  (Toronto)
“The Distributional Consequences of Climate Change: The Role of Housing Wealth, Expectations, and Uncertainty”
Joint with Macro.
Note: Seminar will be in Social Sciences 113 at 1:25pm on Tuesday.
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Bradley Setzler  (Penn State University)
Imperfect Competition and Rents in Labor and Product Markets: The Case of the Construction Industry
Joint with Labor and Development.
Note: Seminar will be in Social Sciences 111 at 3:15 pm on Wednesday.
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Ahmad Lashkaripour  (Indiana University)
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Hugo Lhuillier  (University of Chicago)
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Agustin Gutierrez  (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
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Mathilde Muñoz  (UC Berkeley)

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